From The Sketch Book, Extended Version: Fan Art

Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett

On occasion I’ve done some “fan art” when the muse moves me. It’s usually a fast sketch or painting of a character that I feel some connection to. It wasn’t until I began posting these works online, that I realized how many other people are moved by these characters as well. I always received such a positive response that it encouraged me to do more.

I also, hadn’t paid much attention to how many of these fan art pieces I had done until I started to catalog them. So, here for your viewing pleasure, (not in any particular order) are some of these fan art pieces I’ve done. (I did the sketches above of Sweeney Todd and Mrs, Lovett, to transfer onto two bags that I had crocheted.)

Mrs. Lovett bag

Sweeney Todd Bag

Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock in “Elementary” (I love this show).

“Dr. Who the 12th Doctah” Notice Gallifrey in the top right corner, and the Tardis vanishing… 🙂

Peter Capaldi the 12th “Doctah”

John Locke played by Terry O’Quinn “Lost”

Charlie and Hurley Dominic Monaghan and Jorge’ Garcia “Lost”

Tribute to Ironman “Avengers End Game”

Crochet plushie “The Winter Soldier”

“Agents of Shield”

Sam, Dean and “Baby” “Supernatural”

Dean Winchester “Supernatural”

Carol “The Walking Dead”

Beatrix Potter “Mrs Heelis of the Fells” From a biography I wrote.

Gollum “The Lord of the Rings”

“E T”

The Tin Man “The Wizard of Oz”

David Bennett of “Steam Powered Giraffe” as “The Spine”

The Duesenberg from ” The Great Gatsby”

Jack Skellington “A Nightmare Before Christmas” (In my defense, this was a long time ago.)