Inktober In Review; Week Three, Of Ghosts And Men.

Due to some time constraints, this post is a little late today, so I’ll jump right in to show you the ink drawings I came up with for this week’s prompt words. As I mentioned in the past two posts, if you’re not familiar with Inktober, please see the first post for October. That being said, here are this week’s drawings beginning with day 16, “Wild”. And of course anyone who has been following along, would know that this is a perfect prompt word for me, being that I am a bit fanatical about elephants being free and wild.

Day 17 is “Ornament”, and I thoroughly enjoyed sketching this little drawing for this prompt!

For day 18’s prompt word, “Misfit”, it took me a while to come up with something, but when I did, I just went with it, and I like how it came out. Black cats, pumpkins…and a duck? Sometimes you have to just go with it. I hope you like it! Pretty cute, huh!?

The prompt for day 19, is “Sling”. When trying to come up with something all I could think of was medical devices. Not wanting to go with that, I procrastinated for a while, but then remembered that there is a form of yoga where people hang from long slings. (And I added a bat for the Halloween vibe).

A silly little sketch for day 20, I got an ellie in there, heheh, and a nod to Halloween.

For day 21, the prompt word is “Treasure”, and of course the most important treasure I can think of, (outside of family and friends), is elephants, and sharing the importance of them in this world. They are a vital link in the chain of life, are intelligent, warm sentient beings who know joy, sorrow, and love. They deserve our protection, and respect.

It is the 22nd, and the prompt word for Inktober today is “Ghost”. Very appropriate to the season. Should be a breeze. So to anyone who has been following along, (and you have, right?!) you know that I hate to do the expected. The problem with this is that it gets harder and harder to do. And the word ghost is no exception.

I’m a huge Supernatural fan, the TV show… anyway, with only a short time to do some sketching, it may not be the greatest representation, but I think I pulled it off, and I’m good with it. That’s what counts, that you’re good with what you create. I hope you enjoyed this week’s post and stop back next time to see what I manage to come up with for the last week of Inktober. See you then!

From The Sketch Book, Extended Version: Fan Art

Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett

On occasion I’ve done some “fan art” when the muse moves me. It’s usually a fast sketch or painting of a character that I feel some connection to. It wasn’t until I began posting these works online, that I realized how many other people are moved by these characters as well. I always received such a positive response that it encouraged me to do more.

I also, hadn’t paid much attention to how many of these fan art pieces I had done until I started to catalog them. So, here for your viewing pleasure, (not in any particular order) are some of these fan art pieces I’ve done. (I did the sketches above of Sweeney Todd and Mrs, Lovett, to transfer onto two bags that I had crocheted.)

Mrs. Lovett bag

Sweeney Todd Bag

Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock in “Elementary” (I love this show).

“Dr. Who the 12th Doctah” Notice Gallifrey in the top right corner, and the Tardis vanishing… 🙂

Peter Capaldi the 12th “Doctah”

John Locke played by Terry O’Quinn “Lost”

Charlie and Hurley Dominic Monaghan and Jorge’ Garcia “Lost”

Tribute to Ironman “Avengers End Game”

Crochet plushie “The Winter Soldier”

“Agents of Shield”

Sam, Dean and “Baby” “Supernatural”

Dean Winchester “Supernatural”

Carol “The Walking Dead”

Beatrix Potter “Mrs Heelis of the Fells” From a biography I wrote.

Gollum “The Lord of the Rings”

“E T”

The Tin Man “The Wizard of Oz”

David Bennett of “Steam Powered Giraffe” as “The Spine”

The Duesenberg from ” The Great Gatsby”

Jack Skellington “A Nightmare Before Christmas” (In my defense, this was a long time ago.)